Genealogy of the Families Lisy

 United States of America

People who were born here, have lived or died.

Nebraska (NE) - List of countries, cities and places

Pedigree  Svoboda John (*16.06.1819 in Bohemia, †10.11.1900 in Crab Orchard, Johnson County, Nebraska)
Pedigree  Svoboda Josephine born Zitkova (Zitek) (*22.02.1826 in Bohemia; †11.04.1900 in J.., ... County; Nebraska)

Buffalo County, Ravenna

Pedigree  Lisy James Philip (*25.05.1857 in Teskov/Bohemia, †12.11.1936 in Ravenna, Buffalo County, Nebraska)
Pedigree  Lisy Terezie born Svoboda (*1848 in Bohemia, †27.07.1918 in Ravenna/Buffalo County/Nebraska)
Pedigree  Lisy Victoria Marie (*04.01.1885 in Nebraska, †14.06.1965 in Highland Cemetery, Ravenna, Buffalo County, Nebraska)

Gage County

Pedigree  Svoboda Frank Bedrick (*14.06.1858 in Pliskov/Bohemia, †03.11.1932 in Gage Contry/Nebraska)


Pedigree  Sikyta Magdalene married Svoboda (*01.09.1864 am Segelschiff on d. Fahrt in d. USA; †22........ in Wymore, Gage County; Nebraska NE)

Johnson County, Crab Orchard

Pedigree  Svoboda John (*16.06.1819 in Bohemia, †10.11.1900 in Crab Orchard, Johnson County, Nebraska)